Disability Services

Disability Services

The Disability Resource Center assists in determining the classroom accommodations that are most appropriate for students with disabilities based on documentation of their disability. The DRC encourages communication with instructors regarding accommodations. The DRC will provide eligible students with directions on obtaining notification letters regarding their classroom and testing accommodations to give to their professors. Examples of classroom and testing accommodations are varied, but may include: Adapted testing arrangements, extended time on tests, testing in a distraction-free environment, and assistance with alternative formats of textbooks.

How to Apply for Accommodations

  1. Log in to MyState: my.mystate.edu
  2. Click on the square menu in the upper left-hand corner. Select Banner.
  3. On the upper right of the Banner section, click the button labeled “AD” to change it from OFF to ON.
  4. Select myBanner for Students. In the Academic Records column, click “Disability Support Services Application.”
  5. Documentation of disability can be uploaded with the online application.
  6. Call 662-325-7924 to arrange a conversation with the Disability Resource Center about your accommodation request.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Students are responsible for requesting notification of disability emails be sent to your professors/instructors EVERY semester. These must be provided before a professor/instructor can provide an accommodation.
  2. Students are responsible for planning and scheduling accommodations with instructors. (Example: Scheduling to take tests in the DRC testing center).
  3. Students are responsible for communicating with professors/instructors. Students and faculty are encouraged to maintain communication throughout the semester regarding accommodations.
  4. Students are responsible for notifying Student Services or the Office of Civil Rights and Compliance IMMEDIATEDLY if they have problems receiving accommodations, or if they feel they have been discriminated against.

Chris Dallager, Director of the Disability Resource Center                                           
(662) 325-7942

Office of Civil Rights Compliance for Mississippi State University

Notification Letter

Notification Letter Process

Each Semester:

  • Log on to MyState; click the Menu Icon
  • Select “Banner” from the drop-down menu
  • Select MyBanner for Students> Academic Records> View Your Class Schedule & Grades
  • Choose the correct term
  • On the right side of he class schedule, in Request Accommodation column, check the boxes for each class, and click “Submit”
  • It is the responsibility of the student to notify instructors of accommodations. Information about a student's accommodations are sent in the form of a Notification Letter
  • Notification Letters must be sent prior to receiving accommodations
  • Some accommodations may take additional time to implement
  • Notification Letters must be sent each semester

Once the requests have been submitted, the system emails the instructor to inform them that the student is approved for academic accommodations. The student and OSS also receive copies. IMPORTANT: Student may opt not to notify certain instructors; however, no accommodations will be approved for classes without notification. The student must talk with instructors to inform them what accommodation(s) they will need for the class. If the student’s self-advocacy efforts are not successful, student should inform the DRC. DRC encourages students to contact Chris Dallager, DRC Director, if they have questions or need to make changes to their plan of accommodations.

Documentation Information

Disability-related documentation should provide information on the functional impact of the disability so that effective accommodations can be identified. Criteria for the source, scope and content of documentation differs by disability type. Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, professionals, or institutions. Common sources of documentation are health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or information from a previous school (e.g., accommodation agreements/letters, 504, or IEP documents).

Suggested Documentation

  1. Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional
  2. Diagnostic Statement with any related diagnostic methodology (diagnostic criteria and/or procedures)
  3. Symptoms experienced by the individual.
  4. Functional limitations to life activities. (Limitations inform which accommodations are appropriate.)
  5. Severity and frequency of the symptoms
  6. Expected progression of the symptoms or condition.
  7. Current medication(s) and any related side-effects.

Submitting Documentation
Documentation can be submitted to the Disability Resource Center by the student requesting accommodations or from the professional proving the documentation.
The Disability Resource Center will accept documentation through the follow channels:
• Email – chris.dallager@saffairs.msstate.edu
• Delivery by student

Grievance and Appeal Process

The Disability Resource Center will promptly respond to verbal or written notification from students who are not receiving approved accommodations. The DRC will communicate in a timely fashion with students and instructors about relevant circumstances, including the complexity of the accommodation and the schedule of the course, program, service, or activity in which the student is participating. Students are expected to contact the DRC as soon as possible if reasonable accommodations are not being implemented in an effective or timely way. The DRC will contact the instructor, teaching assistant, facilities management, or other relevant party to attempt to resolve the issue. If the DRC is not able to remedy the situation by communicating with these parties, the DRC will contact the appropriate department administrators to discuss implementation of the DRC approved accommodations. If the DRC approved accommodation is still not implemented, DRC will direct the student to follow the appeal and grievance procedures set forth below.

Often, concerns about accommodations can be managed by following these steps:


  1. The student contacts the DRC Director at chris.dallager@saffairs.msstate.edu as soon as possible if reasonable accommodations are not being implemented in an effective or timely way or if the student is dissatisfied with the provision of services.
  2. For disagreements/issues regarding approved accommodations, the DRC will work with University personnel and students with disabilities to resolve disagreements/issues regarding the accommodations.
  3. Complaints about the provision of services by DRC will first be responded to by the Director of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for Mississippi State University at chris.dallager@saffairs.msstate.edu. In the case that a complaint involves the Director, the complaint will be responded to by the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs for Mississippi State University at jsb487@msstate.edu.
  4. The Director of the DRC/or Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs will consult with all appropriate parties.
  5. To formally appeal an accommodation decision, a student with a disability may follow the procedures outlined in OP 91.122: Students with Disabilities. Please familiarize yourself with the entire policy, but the following statement from the policy addresses the steps to appeal an accommodation decision.
  6. “A student may appeal the determination regarding an academic accommodation or modification to the Provost and Executive Vice President. A student must submit his/her appeal in writing to the Provost and Executive Vice President within five business days of receiving the Notification of Disability. The Provost and Executive Vice President (or his/her designee) will make the final decision regarding the reasonableness of the accommodation or modification. The Provost (or his/her designee) may seek the assistance of the Academic Accommodation Committee in making this determination.”
  7. If a student believes that they are being discriminated against because of their disability, the student should contact the Director of Civil Rights Compliance for Mississippi State University at titleix@msstate.edu or 662-325-5839. Please reference the policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policies (msstate.edu)

Course Substitution

The student should make a request through the DRC to the Academic Accommodations Committee. Request to the committee must be accompanied by current documentation that should proceed persuasive evidence that the student is capable of academic success with appropriate academic and testing accommodations. Standardized test scores, historical information, and other standard evaluations should reveal clear deficiencies in these areas. In addition, a request for substitution can be made only after documented use of appropriated academic and testing accommodations.

The recommendation from the DRC along with documentation, will be considered by the Academic Accommodations Committee. The determinations of the committee will be forwarded to the department in which the student is majoring, the student’s dean’s office, Disability Resource Center, and Registrar’s Office.

If college requirements are being appealed, the dean and department head will make the final decision.

For appeals requesting substitution of university requirements, the dean will forward a recommendation to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Temporary Disabilities

The DRC recognizes that individuals with temporary disabilities that are result of injuries, surgery, or short-term medical conditions may need accommodations similar to individuals with permanent disabilities. Examples of temporary disabilities may include, but are not limited to: broken limbs, hand injuries, or short-term impairments following surgery or medical treatments. To receive accommodations for a temporary disability, the student must submit documentations to the DRC indicating the type of disability, severity, limitations, prognosis, and estimated duration of the disabling condition. Additional documentation may be requested to verify the need for continued services after the estimated duration of the condition has expired.

Chronic Illness

Students with a chronic illness should contact the DRC for assistance  with occasional absences and tardiness. Documentation of illness is required in order to receive accommodations. There are limitations to the amount of absences/tardiness that may be obtained each semester due to a chronic illness. This will be discussed with students during the intake process.

Multiple Exams

Students should not have to take more than two final examinations in a given day. To resolve the issue of multiple final examinations, students will initiate the process. It is the student’s responsibility to contact instructors regarding rescheduling of examinations. The rescheduling should be completed prior to the beginning of the final examination period and the resulting examination must be administered during the final examination period. For more information on the approved process for rescheduling exams, see Academic Policy 12.04.

What To Do When


  • Students should request notification of disability letters for instructors through their MyState account.


  • Students are encouraged to discuss academic accommodations with instructors on the first day of class.


  • Students will be notified via email when priority registration begins.

Additional Resources

Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services is “…a state agency that provides resources to help Mississippians with disabilities find new careers, live more independently, over come obstacles, and face new challenges.”

MSU Resources 

The Learning Center at MSU provides tutoring and other tools to support student success.
The Writing Center offers support for writing, including assignments and papers.

Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities

  • Online Schools is a simple to use directory containing numerous scholarship options for students with disabilities that range from national financial aid opportunities to local opportunities within the United States and Canada.
  • Additional financial aid opportunities can be found by visiting the Best Colleges web site.

Syllabus Statement

Disability Accommodations

Mississippi State University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. The Disability Resource Center collaborates with students who have disabilities to arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have, or think you may have, a disability, please contact Chris Dallager, Director of the Disability Resource Center, chris.dallager@saffairs.msstate.edu to arrange a confidential discussion regarding equitable access and reasonable accommodations. Disabilities may include, but are not limited to, conditions related to mental health, chronic health, attention, learning, autism, brain injury, vision, hearing, mobility, speech, or intellectual disabilities. In the case of short-term disabilities (e.g., broken arm), students and instructors can often work to minimize barriers. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Disability Resource Center.